Pathways to Success


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  • welcome



    • 10月9日星期三 所有11年级学生的标准化考试(他们应该在早上8点之前到达学校)
    • 9年级,10年级和12年级的晚上课(他们应该在上午11:30到达学校). 


    随函附上传单(click here),参加AAPS将于2024年10月2日(周三)举办的支持人员虚拟招聘会.

    Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information Guide

    密歇根教育部(MDE)为学生创建了一个信息指南 2023年第57号公共法案. 从2024-2025学年开始,学区必须向6-12年级的学生分发《投注网站》. See update below for the complete guide and more information.


    在上学期间, students are not permitted to leave the building/campus without permission. 未经管理人员许可,学生不得在上学期间到他们的车辆报到. If students are caught outside of the building without permission, 他们将受到纪律处分. Further violations will result in loss of parking privileges at Pathways High School.

    • 外出吃午饭是不允许的.


    In an effort to allow students more room to space themselves, we will allow students to eat in the commons (cafeteria). When we have the proper staffing and with permission from an administrator, students may eat  in our outside courtyard in the middle of the school, and on the outside benches in the courtyard in front of the school. Lunchtime will be an opportunity for students to get outdoors. It is typical for students to be a little confused the first week; therefore, staff will be in the halls to assist throughout the day. 学生不得在午餐时间离开校园.


    工作人员不负责送餐场所在上学期间送餐给学生, 包括但不限于Uber Eats, DoorDash or GrubHub. 这是为了更好地确保学校的安全,并尽量减少对学校的干扰. Also, students are NOT allowed to leave school to get food.  Students found leaving their class will be sent back to class. Well


    Pathways团队坚定不移地致力于为所有学生提供一个安全和培育的学校环境. 我们的首要任务是确保每个学生都能茁壮成长,而不会遇到负面后果. 坚持这一承诺, we call upon you, 作为我们学习社区的重要成员, 与我们一起传达适当行为的重要性,以及任何学生从事未经授权或有害活动的潜在后果.

    For your convenience, we have attached the document titled Rights & 职责- AAPS学生,老师. 员工、家长、监护人. 本文件概述了我们学校社区中所有利益相关者的权利和责任. 通过熟悉它的内容, 您将全面了解我们对每个学生的行为和参与的期望. We firmly believe that by working together as a united community, 我们可以营造一个环境,让学生不仅在学业上出类拔萃,而且成为负责任的人, respectful, 体贴的人.

    Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information Guide

    密歇根教育部(MDE)为学生创建了一个信息指南 2023年第57号公共法案. 从2024-2025学年开始,学区必须向6-12年级的学生分发《投注网站》. 包括在我们的权利中 & 责任手册是关于性骚扰和性侵犯的重要信息. 这些信息可以帮助你的学生了解性骚扰是什么,如何识别它, and what to do if they or someone they know experiences it. 请参阅指南位于 Rights & 责任手册第41-45页. A link to the Rights & 责任手册 will also be sent to your student’s email later this week. These guidelines are here to protect everyone and ensure a welcoming, safe, 尊重学校环境. 对学生来说,了解他们的权利和可以得到的支持是很重要的. 

    Also, See the Bill Analysis of 2023年第57号公共法案 here. 由格雷琴·惠特默州长签署. MCL 380.1508 


    Parents/Guardians, in order to make sure that students have their Chromebooks at school daily as needed, 老师们把chromebook放在教室里. Each teacher’s classroom is equipped with a charging chart. 学生们将在每节课结束时把他们的chromebook放回手推车里,每天回来时取回. 


    Please respect our check-in system at the main entrance desk.  To help us keep track of who is in our schools during the school day, 我们要求您出示您的身份证明, 驾照或身份证都可以, 当你参观学校时. Once you have presented your identification for the first time, 你就会在系统上,以后访问时不再需要出示你的身份证. This is true for visits to other AAPS schools as well. 系统会为您创建一个访客徽章,让您在访问学校时佩戴. 请记得在访问结束后到发放徽章的办公室或服务台办理退房手续. 访客管理系统还会将你的身份与国家性罪犯数据库进行比对.

    The safety of our students and staff is extremely important. 我们的地区政策要求所有访客都要通过我们的大门进入,并在办公室签到. I appreciate staff, parents, 社区成员努力与学校合作,确保学生和教职员工的安全.


    请各位家长、监护人记住 & visitors will be required to show government-issued picture ID at the entrance of our building, including for scheduled appointments.




    Bell Schedules Ahead

    This week's schedule





    •  Students should remain at school each day until school lets out at 2:56 PM. 请家长和工作人员继续督促我们的学生参加M-Th, 2:06-2:56的工作室时间.





    Schoology Link Here





    We encourage every AAPS family to apply using the online application process. 选择链接进入安娜堡家庭门户,选择“Guest”,开始:

    从今年秋天开始,所有家庭都被要求填写免费减少午餐(FRL)表格. 你可以在家庭门户网站上做, 打印一份申请表并将其寄回学校或邮寄给食品服务部门,你将在下周初收到一套硬拷贝的申请表. AAPS FAMILY PORTAL. You can use your phone or tablet as well as a computer to apply! The on-line application is free, easy and the fastest way to apply for meal benefits! We suggest using Google Chrome to open the online application. 在另一个浏览器(Safari等)中打开.) please make sure you are using the most up-to-date version. Below is the Free and Reduced Family Meal Application and Instructions.

    Free & 减少午餐申请

    常见问题-免费 & 减少午餐申请

    Free and reduced meal applications in other languages available at the link below.

    Free & 简化午餐翻译应用程序 The applications are available in 49 different languages.



Vision & Mission



    Pathways is a high school campus for students needing or preferring a smaller, intimate academic environment that may be unavailable at larger, 综合高中.  通过多种途径和灵活的学习机会,如在线课程, community internships, 双入学机会, traditional direct instruction blended with 基于项目的学习, students can meet the State of Michigan graduation requirements, 还有获得大学学分的机会. 

    Pathways旨在通过核心学术和选修领域的独特课程为学生提供选择, small class sizes, 独特的师生互动, and internships.  让Pathways与众不同的一些资源: 

    • RAHS (Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools)  - with newly expanded hours! 
    • 现场托儿(见入学要求)
    • 华盛顿社区学院双招生
    • Internships through Zingermans and through Michigan Rehabilitation Services
    • Ever-expanding relationships with community businesses and resource services. 


    Pathways Mission  
    Pathways的使命是建立一个学习者社区,致力于利用技术取得成功, 业务伙伴关系, 基于项目的学习, 21st Century teaching, and service-learning to uniquely enhance the student experience.





District Spotlight

Help Center

  • Lll

     AAPS Help & Hotlines


    学生资源 & Families

    • 种族主义、偏见或偏执投诉或担忧
    • 学校和动力学校家长信息
    • Schoology for Parents
    • 家长PowerSchool
    • Academic Supports
    • Social Emotional & 精神健康支持
    • Internet/Wifi
    • 医疗及健康需要
    • 为有需要家庭提供的其他资源
    • Get Help: Community 学生资源 and Families
    • Homeless Support
    • Food
    • 勤杂工和家庭维修服务
    • 运输援助
    • 财税资源
    • Parenting Support
    • COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) Online Application
    • 免费和低成本的营地选项



    链接到CDC社区级别页面 here. 投注网站 2023-2024 Covid and Health Guidance is available here

    AAPS COVID-19相关资源:

    Additional Resources

    • Food:
      • 食品采集者:734761-2796
    • Social-Emotional & 心理健康支持: 
    • 华盛顿国家通讯局. Mental Health: 
    • Ozone House:



Bell Schedule

  •  Weekly Bell Schedule



  • 投注网站与PowerSchool Enrollment合作,允许家长在网上预先为他们的学生注册. Please see our Who Can Apply 浏览更多信息.

    Enrollment Process:

    1. Determine which enrollment options are available and best suit your student.
    2. 完成在线预注册申请.
    3. 通过电子邮件邀请完成完整的注册,并上传所需的注册文件.

